Monday 23 March 2009

Verily with every hardship there is ease

Assalamualaikum warahmatullah.

فَإِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرًا (٥) إِنَّ مَعَ ٱلۡعُسۡرِ يُسۡرً۬ا (٦
So, verily, with every difficulty, there is relief: (5) Verily with every difficulty there is relief.
(al-Insyirah 94:5&6)

I attended the annual dinner of Muslim Society of University of Greenwich last Friday which took place at King William 303 and started at 5.45pm with a talk delivered by Shaikh Abu Mujahid Uthman Lateef.

The topic discussed was entitled according to those two verses in the Quran from surah al-Insyirah, chapter 94, verses 5 and 6. It was to remind the muslims especially the students studying at the university to remain strong for whatever difficulties they face be it academically or socially(as muslims).

We were deliberately made to understand that any hardship we face in our life does not mean hatred from Allah(refer to al-Fajr 89:15&16). It can be a test to our belief toward Allah and the deen that we have been embracing. By that, we have to believe(have iman) that there will come ease after those trials.

Anyway, this belief comes along with shukr(thankfulness) which means we thank Allah for everything that happens to us. Sometimes, when we face calamities, it is easy to forget that Allah is always with us. We tend to think that we are the only one who is having them. Therefore, we should open our eyes and look to other people those who have bigger problems than us and at that time we must be grateful to Him. That's the sigficance of shukr to facing hardships in life.

Shukr also educates us to look to those who have less(poorer) than us rather than looking to those who have more(richer) than us. This is to avoid from being a demanding person and create qanaah in our heart-to feel enough for everything that we have in hands.

The Shaikh also introduced us to a saying(which I forgot which companion of Prophet Muhammad saw or the Prophet himself
said this ):

إِنَّ مَاالأَعْمَالُ بِالْخَوَاتِم
Verily, the deed is(evaluated) how it ends

It means, everything we do depends on how it ends. For example, if we prayed five times yesterday, so as today and thus until we die. It's more toward having istiqamah(consistency) in everything that we intend to commit in the accordance of retaining Mardhatillah(blessing from Allah).

Hopefuly, our Iman is always strengthened by having the belief that Allah will help us for anything we face in our life. May it be blessed by Him, the most Gracious and most Merciful.InshaAllah.

It was ended with a dinner session served with chicken briyani,samarinna(is it correct?) and drinks. Everyone was getting around to get to know each other well-as in strengthening our ukhuwwah( relationship).

Then, I was pleased by Altaf to send me back to Avery Hill. Together were two of his lovely kids Zainab and Junid. Thank you very much for the treat.

Jazakumullahukhairan kathira( May Allah give you good rewards).

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